Thursday, May 1, 2014 | By: Life Stories

For Lack of Better Word

Hari Tigapuluh Satu, 2014

Duduk di ruangan sepi, cat dinding putih berkesan hening mencekam-menunggu-putusan (mungkin lebih tepatnya putusan hukuman mati). Lima pasien selain saya setengah tersadar, tiga orang terbatuk-batuk konstan, dua sisanya dalam alat bantu pernafasan lengkap dengan tabung oksigen metal tinggi.

Hidup itu pilihan kata poster bernada sinis-kurang ajar dengan terpampang jelas di pintu yang tiga urutan lagi harus saya masuki.

dr. Lina Monika Astuti Sp.P
Poli Paru

Tangan saya gatal melinting Marlboro.

Hari Tigapuluh Dua, 2014

X-Ray, Roentgen, CT Scan. Periksa Lab kata dokternya, tidak ada apa-apa ya bagus, ada apa-apa ya tidak heran. Hasilnya?



Stadium (hampir) akhir.

Pulang. Depresi.

Hari Tigapuluh Tiga, 2014

Dina teriak.

Bapak tidak bertanggung jawab katanya. Beraninya kena kanker ketika ia sudah di trisemester akhir. Kalau mati bagaimana. Tidak peduli sama anak yang belum lahir? Sudah tahu racun masih dihisap.

Papa pingsan. Papa Dina juga pingsan. Mama histeris. Mama Dina lebih histeris. Ruang keluarga sunyi . Dina menarik tangan saya ke Rumah Sakit menebus obat. Jangan putus harapan katanya, menguatkan. Mungkin menguatkan dirinya sendiri.

Hari Tigapuluh Tiga (juga)

Antrian panjang. Maklum, kata nenek disebelah, semenjak pemerintah mengadakan berobat gratis nasional, pergi ke rumah sakit jadi hobi. Tren gaya hidup baru.

Nomor urutan ke tiga puluh tiga (kebetulan? Tidak tahu dan tidak mau tahu). Apotekernya mbak-mbak 20-an, kelihatannya capai tapi masih memaksakan senyum.

Dua kali sehari, tiga kali sehari, yang ini obat kankernya, yang ini obat kalau terasa sakit batuknya, setelah makan, dihabiskan, konsultasi secara berkala, dan semoga cepat sembuh.

Hari Empat Puluh Satu, 2014

Batuknya sudah darah. Semua darah. Dina panik. Opname saja kata Dina, asuransi ditanggung BPJS, pemerintah sudah berpihak pada pasien kanker.

Dirumah sakit dapat kelas tiga (standar BPJS). Diinfus, lalu menunggu.

Tiga jam kemudian dokternya datang visit, dokter Lina juga. CT Scan lagi.


Saya tidak merespon kemoterapi. Baca : obat-obatnya gagal menyembuhkan saya. Pilihannya radiasi atau operasi.

Hari Lima Puluh Dua, 2014

Radiasi hari ke sebelas. Shock. Ternyata kanker paru saya metastasis -istilah keren kankernya sudah menyebar. Otak dan hati saya ikut kanker.

Hari Enam Puluh Empat, 2014

Dina bersalin, di stase kebidanan lantai tiga, saya di ruang inap unit dua lantai empat. Terbaring lemas ringkih. Hampir mati.

Lima belas menit kemudian mama saya datang. Terisak.

Anakmu laki-laki. Selamat. Ibunya juga.

Beratnya terlalu ringan. 1,5 kilo.

Kata dokter harapan hidupnya rendah, harus masuk UGD untuk bayi. NICU. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Mungkin katanya karena Dina terekspos kamu merokok di rumah.

Hari Tujuh Puluh Dua, 1999

Andi nawarin rokok. Katanya keren. Enak. Ngilangin stress. Bikin Fly.

Jangan cemen katanya. Rokok itu asik. Ga bikin sakit, ga bikin mati. Banyak orang ngerokok dan mereka baik-baik aja.

Saya ambil sebatang

Naskah ini diikutkan pada Lomba Menulis di Blog "Diary sang Zombigaret". Untuk informasi lomba dapat dilihat di Lomba Menulis dengan Laman Resminya dapat dilihat di Facebook Zombiegaret.

Salam sehat, anti tembakau :)

Friday, October 4, 2013 | By: Life Stories

Have You Googled Yourself Lately?

Have you ever googled yourself, lately?

Whether it's for vanity search or in seek of a new job, most employers today (notably the western kind) will google your name before they call the applicant to present at the interview, before they put through your CV in three category. More likely, less likely, not-at-all.

Under the anodyne, carefully-structured, emphasized language of Curriculum Vitae, it is an act of importance to check the applicant as viewed by other. Lack of search result may makes the employer thing that you don't know how the world revolve ; as it's obviously you devoid yourself from kind of any technology development.

There are nothing worse (except for bankruptcy, perhaps) than hiring the wrong person for the job, especially if its involved in decision-making process that correlate causatively with the market share of the company.

Pre-emptive action must be taken to prevent that ever occurs, and in the era of one click away from information and data, googling the applicant was one of the most trustworthy method.

In fact, 80% and still counting number of employers in USA, googled your name when you put through that application in their marbled desk.

Of course sometimes there are people who have common names more likely to be buried in the google search result and it would be worse if there another famous people those who have the same name as you (especially when you're only known by your facebook/twitter account).

So? Soar high! Don't be ashamed to achieve, write, and active.

Because our thought will never ever be known until it immortalized by our words

-Adapted from various source
Tuesday, July 16, 2013 | By: Life Stories

For the Love of Gargamel : Alternated | It's time to ACT!

"Come on, Clumsy! This is not the time for dilly-dolly!" Brainy says as he drag Clumsy toward the 
running smurfs that curious to see the petrified Gargamel.

"Gargamel has turned to stone!" Hefty shout, making Jokey who currently wrapping his box lost concentration and resulting the infamous explosion.

"That's not funny." Jokey spout, as he follow the other smurfs.

"Gargamel has turned to stone!" again, Hefty shout, as the group passing Painter who currently painting the scenery. Hearing Hefty, he drop his brush, and leave his painting to follow the other smurfs.

"Gargamel has turned to stone!" again, Hefty shout. This time, Papa smurf is the one who heard it. And after said that he better take a look, he follow the crowd.

Not too long, the smurfs arrived at the pointed place, stealthily they hide themselves behind the bushes and tree. After confirming that Gargamel and Azrael are indeed turned to stone, the smurf swarmed to them in joy.

"The last smurf to the top is a wet smurf!" Hefty piped up, laughing, as he and several other smurfs climb to Gargamel and Azrael statue.

"Good thing, this is happen Gargamel, cause I just want to give you the old one-two!" Hefty says, grinning and begin punching Gargamel on the nose.

For the Love of Gargamel : Alternated | Point of View : Brainy Smurf

Brainy smurf is apprentice of Papa smurf. Apprentice is someone, or in this case, some smurf, who learn something from the some smurf who be apprenticed for. Brainy learn magic from Papa smurf.
Papa smurf is a wizard, or that what he claimed to be, even though, he is more likely to be alchemist as his term of magical power came from multivarious kind of potion that he mixed beforehand.

It is to Papa smurf's belief that magic should only be used within the presence of catalyst, in this case a potion or a magical item. Because magic that casted without catalyst may not properly functioning, or worse they demand too much from the caster as there is no such thing as a free lunch.

And as Papa smurf's apprentice, or his personal assistant as he often proudly pronounce, Brainy know this, the fact of catalytic law. And in his quest to attain the respect of other smurfs, Brainy is an eager apprentice, he learn, he read, and he 'practice' magic and spell that yet had been taught to him.

But, due to his arrogant streak, over self-confidence, and ignorance beyond unknown resulting a really 'blown up' situation, Papa smurf is not really eager to accept Brainy helping his experiment and often politely excused him.

Smurf Fanfiction ; For the Love of Gargamel : Alternated

Hi, its likopilio again! This is my alternate version of For the Love of Gargamel. I'm sorry if there are a lot of grammatical mistake, as english is not my first language, so pleaaase, bear with me :( ; Review, of course, is always welcomed. Enjoy!

Disclaimer : Smurfs and all its derivative work belong to Peyo and Hanna-Barbera animation, I do not own smurf, although I do own this story

I don't copy this from somewhere else as this is my blog :)

Today is not particularly sunny day, well figuratively speaking of course. Because today is a sunny day, rather scorching to be exact. Perhaps, due to that reason, Lazy Smurf decide to have an ever-lasting nap under the shade of an elm tree. Seems nothing wrong with it, right? Innocent, tolerated, and rather quite-advised, well, that's true if not for the fact that all of his friend is currently working.

Well, as if it is not oblivious enough, work and lazy are not on the same page, except in the antonym's section perhaps.

Lazy is just not cut up for work.

Thursday, September 20, 2012 | By: Life Stories

Random Rant : Gasp! Let me Breath!

Mungkin kata yang pertama harus kuucap adalah syukur.

Why? A month and half ago, I admitted to the pharmaceutical faculty di UGM! Thanks God, I do not need to commit suicide -in case of failure XD

Yah, even though my first choice is UI, UGM is not bad at all. Every one I met is so damn friendly, the food price is erroneously cheaper than Jakarta's , and the street is perfectly designed for wandering pedestrian! Like me!

Tapi, siapa yang sangka, For God Sake, the schedule so hectic! Morning to afternoon class, load of assignment, heck of amount of master, and a weekly practicum. It's killing me...

And, the gossip is ; farmasi itu much more difficult than kedokteran, even though kulihat, luas fakultas antara farmasi sama kedokteran seperti lapangan basket dan stadion olahraga *lebay..

Ah, ga pa pa deh, jadi kalau kuliah ga terlalu jauh, -walau rada ngiri sama tetangga yang gedung-nya punya lift-

Yah, kembali ngerjain laporan *garukgarukepala....

Sunday, June 10, 2012 | By: Life Stories


Let me pray, O thou the eminent of Light
May your bright radiance shine upon my mind and soul
Shall all the obstacle that blocked my road be cleared away
Allow me to pass through this test smoothly

So, I didn't need to commit suicide in case of failure....

-Please, pretty please >_<-
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 | By: Life Stories


Pernah nggak sih, merasa pada suatu titik, timbul dari dalam dirimu pertanyaan paling klasik umat manusia ; Apa yang ingin kau lakukan dalam hidupmu? Mau jadi apa? Nanti bagaimana? Kedepannya mau ngapain? Dan entah berapa baris kalimat-pertanyaan yang sama maksudnya.

Memangnya hidup itu cuma putaran siklus? Kamu dilahirkan agar sebersit bahagia terpancar dari kedua wajah lelah-sayu orangtuamu. Kemudian berbanggalah mereka, generasi penerus nama, darah, gengsi, dan rekombinasi unik asam deoksiribonukleat mereka telah hadir di tengah-tengah hiruk-pikuk tujuh milyar Homo sapiens lainnya.

Friday, March 2, 2012 | By: Life Stories

Letter to Minister

Recently, our minister of education, just proposed seem-to-be-bright new idea : to integrate the UN (National Exam) and SNMPTN (National Exam for the Entrance of Public University).

According to Mr. Muhammad Nuh. The dual system of examination, is a form of extravagance and waste of time. He claimed that if the Elementary schooler may enter the Junior High School with their National Exam’s score, and a Junior High Schooler also may enter the Senior High School with the same system. Why the Senior High Schooler’s may not do the same for their entrance for university?
After all, he said that the cost for the SNMPTN is quite expensive. Rp 175.000,00 for the ‘SNMPTN Undangan’ (Invitation-based) and Rp 150.000,00 for the ‘SNMPTN Tertulis’ (Written test).

Friday, November 19, 2010 | By: Life Stories

The Fallen

Please don't be conned by the title ; it's not like that I fallen in love with some stranger from no-where that I suddenly bump in the corner of street.

It's another fallen's story...

Well, it's begin when my civic teacher --who very moody-- not in the right mood to teach. So he leave us --me and my classmates-- with nothing to do, except entangled in the one hour everlasting boredom.

Me-- who obviously hate boredom like the rest of the 99% world population. Start to curs-- I mean to complained his great policy.

Therefore I decide to combat my boredom by flee from the class. Luckily, the civic class located on the 4th floor, so I begin to mesmerize the beautiful view of Jakarta's nature.

Suddenly it's happen

My hair feel a bit itchy ; so I rub it with moderato tempo.

And it's fallen....

My glasses --the red coloured -- with silver steel and plastic wrap.

From the 4th floor thee descend

Crashing to the hard stern school field's concrete

Splitting the lens into two perfect symmetrical glass

And splitting my Three Hundred Thousands Rupiah, from my mother purse....

Oh it just another day...
Saturday, October 30, 2010 | By: Life Stories

Anti Social

I don't know why it's happened to me. But I think my Anti Social-disorder rate's keep going up the bar...

Yes, like everyone should know --because it's the newspaper put it at the headline and the tv keep broadcast it-- the tremendous natural catastrophe hitted our country, for ummm let's say five time in a row.

As my sociology teacher taught me that 'Human is Social being' and "normally" able to feel the happiness as much the sorrow of the others "being". So According to my teacher, "normally" I must feel  at least a tiny bit sympathy.

But, I do not feel any.
Saturday, October 23, 2010 | By: Life Stories

Winnie the Pooh

"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you."
A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)

 "I used to believe in forever, but forever's too good to be true"
A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)

I'm sure most of you -the reader, must known that two quotes. But I think, 99% of you --included me before posted this article-- don't know who the rightful author of those quotes.