Recently, our minister of education, just proposed seem-to-be-bright new idea : to integrate the UN (National Exam) and SNMPTN (National Exam for the Entrance of Public University).
According to Mr. Muhammad Nuh. The dual system of examination, is a form of extravagance and waste of time. He claimed that if the Elementary schooler may enter the Junior High School with their National Exam’s score, and a Junior High Schooler also may enter the Senior High School with the same system. Why the Senior High Schooler’s may not do the same for their entrance for university?
After all, he said that the cost for the SNMPTN is quite expensive. Rp 175.000,00 for the ‘SNMPTN Undangan’ (Invitation-based) and Rp 150.000,00 for the ‘SNMPTN Tertulis’ (Written test).
“So, it will make more sense, if this birocracy abolished, as most of the Indonesian Citizen still considered that amount of money is vast.” he continued.
Me, myself could not agree more with his argument, as what he said is an undeniable truth. But, as we have learnt this kind of text in school, as one of those discussion texts, we should have known that there always pro and contra about the topic’s presented.
So let’s take a peek from the contra’s group.
“Abolish SNMPTN? What a ridiculous idea!” claimed Vina, one of the 12th Grade’s students as I bring this topic into the brainstorming of discussion.
“You see, there’s a lot of reason why SNMPTN should not be disbanded.”
“Firstly, why do you think SNMPTN held in the first place?“
“Well, I tell you why...”
“Have you ever heard about, the ‘cheating’? It’s a common knowledge that there are many schools in Indonesia, perform deliberate-structured cheating in order to make their entire student pass national exam, so their school’s rank may risen?
“The amounts of public universities are not as many as the amount of the high school in Indonesia, so only the best of the best student may enroll in the university. And how they determine the quality of the student if the national exam is so incompetent and polluted, when the integrity to develop the nation had been replaced by a sheer greed of prestige? “ said Vina.
“Secondly, the difficulty of the exam. National exam is considered an easy exam, for god’s sake, by 5.5 score as the minimum’s pass, with only series of basic question of a problem presented, whole 120 minutes given for 40 to 50 questions. Aren’t that ‘more’ than enough?”
“But, SNMPTN is a whole different level, the times limited to 90 minutes with 60 or more question presented, every question need a deep understanding of a subject, a logical tweak and absolute carefulness to answer the question right.”
“As the impact, it’s not too hard to score 90++ point in the national’s exam,
but in the SNMPTN, if you get 70++ you will be considered as a genius.”
“Therefore, the abolition of the SNMPTN will bring possibility to lower the standard of the future university’s student. I mean, it’s so easy to score a high score in the national exam without a necessity to work hard. And it has become a common knowledge that a willingness to work hard is the key of success.”
“And after all, the first intention of university’s education is to develop a group of people that in their shoulder, placed a responsibility to solve the problem of that burden the human race. So it’s only natural, that only the best; analytical, creative, and enable to think out of the box, that given the chance to be enrolled.” Vina concluded.
-Sent to the student globe ; english for student newspaper
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