Saturday, October 9, 2010 | By: Life Stories

Buzz attack!!

It literally Buzz  -bees to be exact. Don't know why and don't know how. But surprisingly a colony of bee had managed to settled and made a nest on the tree in my garden. And this morning my father -who obviously can't stand listen my youngest brother cried ; accept the unreasonable-baby-impulse and shook the nest with a long wooden stick.

And what's happened next is predictable.

Like a typical old cartoon. The bees that rest peacefully -on the tree that we owned and the bees settled in without a single permission that they must asked, by the discriminate law of human being- disturbed. And just in two to three second they went out from their nest and stung my father on his head and on his right hand.

So my father -which is now rest in a painful state because of that stung- decide to avenge and vent his anger to the bees by manipulating the reason from revenge to the sake of children safety.

So tomorrow my father will call the traditional pest exterminator -which is my neighbour- to burn the nest.

Just wish this extermination will not ended like that disney-ironic-comedy-cartoon ; The Donald Duck...

Oh mine ; I hope tomorrow will be fine...


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