Thursday, September 20, 2012 | By: Life Stories

Random Rant : Gasp! Let me Breath!

Mungkin kata yang pertama harus kuucap adalah syukur.

Why? A month and half ago, I admitted to the pharmaceutical faculty di UGM! Thanks God, I do not need to commit suicide -in case of failure XD

Yah, even though my first choice is UI, UGM is not bad at all. Every one I met is so damn friendly, the food price is erroneously cheaper than Jakarta's , and the street is perfectly designed for wandering pedestrian! Like me!

Tapi, siapa yang sangka, For God Sake, the schedule so hectic! Morning to afternoon class, load of assignment, heck of amount of master, and a weekly practicum. It's killing me...

And, the gossip is ; farmasi itu much more difficult than kedokteran, even though kulihat, luas fakultas antara farmasi sama kedokteran seperti lapangan basket dan stadion olahraga *lebay..

Ah, ga pa pa deh, jadi kalau kuliah ga terlalu jauh, -walau rada ngiri sama tetangga yang gedung-nya punya lift-

Yah, kembali ngerjain laporan *garukgarukepala....

Sunday, June 10, 2012 | By: Life Stories


Let me pray, O thou the eminent of Light
May your bright radiance shine upon my mind and soul
Shall all the obstacle that blocked my road be cleared away
Allow me to pass through this test smoothly

So, I didn't need to commit suicide in case of failure....

-Please, pretty please >_<-
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 | By: Life Stories


Pernah nggak sih, merasa pada suatu titik, timbul dari dalam dirimu pertanyaan paling klasik umat manusia ; Apa yang ingin kau lakukan dalam hidupmu? Mau jadi apa? Nanti bagaimana? Kedepannya mau ngapain? Dan entah berapa baris kalimat-pertanyaan yang sama maksudnya.

Memangnya hidup itu cuma putaran siklus? Kamu dilahirkan agar sebersit bahagia terpancar dari kedua wajah lelah-sayu orangtuamu. Kemudian berbanggalah mereka, generasi penerus nama, darah, gengsi, dan rekombinasi unik asam deoksiribonukleat mereka telah hadir di tengah-tengah hiruk-pikuk tujuh milyar Homo sapiens lainnya.

Friday, March 2, 2012 | By: Life Stories

Letter to Minister

Recently, our minister of education, just proposed seem-to-be-bright new idea : to integrate the UN (National Exam) and SNMPTN (National Exam for the Entrance of Public University).

According to Mr. Muhammad Nuh. The dual system of examination, is a form of extravagance and waste of time. He claimed that if the Elementary schooler may enter the Junior High School with their National Exam’s score, and a Junior High Schooler also may enter the Senior High School with the same system. Why the Senior High Schooler’s may not do the same for their entrance for university?
After all, he said that the cost for the SNMPTN is quite expensive. Rp 175.000,00 for the ‘SNMPTN Undangan’ (Invitation-based) and Rp 150.000,00 for the ‘SNMPTN Tertulis’ (Written test).